Referral Codes
Referral Codes are your key to the Diode Affiliate Program. Each referral code is a unique identifier to your affiliate activity. They give you the ability to register leads, record rewards, and introduce other affiliates to Diode.
#Getting your own code
If you haven’t already, please fill out the interest form. We may respond with questions or, if it looks like a good fit, we will send you a link that you can use in Diode Collab to join the Diode Affiliate Zone.
Once you are in the Zone, follow these steps to get your own referral code:
- Wait for the zone to appear and until it is fully initialized (can take a few minutes)
- Navigate to the Registrar (or “registrar.diode”) and initiate a chat with it by sending “hello”
- You will be prompted for your referral code - respond with the code you were provided or with a code from the Regional Codes
- You will be asked to accept the terms of the program - type “I Accept”
- You will receive your own Referral Code
- You can now use your code to register leads and promote the Diode Network to others!