What is Diode

Diode’s core capability is a next generation blockchain-enabled communications network. The Diode Network is sort of what it would be like if Signal were able to offer their E2EE infrastructure for anyone to build a new Signal app on top of. But, the network is open (open source, collaborative, not-for-profit) and permissionless (anyone can bring their own node - for rewards or for desire to control infra - without asking for permission to join the network).

The pioneer app on the Diode Network is our app - a next generation team messaging app. If you need to collaborate as a team, and either need or want secure communications and extensible integrations, this could be a great fit for you. It is a match made in heaven for field teams operating in adverse environments, or for devops teams operating with sensitive mission critical systems. This is the first application of many that are being built, or have been built, on the Diode Network.

Because no app is an island, we also have the open source Diode CLI - the swiss army knife command line tool that opens up the Diode Network to a whole host of IT-level integrations, CI/CD efforts, and custom applications.

Finally, we even sell a little Raspberry Pi based hardware device called the Diode Vault. It comes in a couple of flavors and runs the app and the CLI out of the box so you can quickly deploy for common use cases.